New airdrop: Happy Birthday Coins (HBDC)

Reward: 40 HBDC ($3)
Rate: ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Remarks: already listed on CoinMarketCap, Probit, AladiEx Exchange
Focus: Distribution will start 1 week after the airdrop finishes

Bot airdrop Link: airdrop page

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🔹Submit your ETH wallet address and other info
🔹Also get 5 HBDC for each referral

Note: This airdrop will end when 150.000 HBDC runs out and distribution will start 1 week after

Additional Information:
Happy-birthday-coin is the digital password currency used by everyone to celebrate each other's birthdays. On the happy birthday platform, users can communicate with friends all over the world, send celebration messages to friends who are about to have a birthday, and send out happy birthday coins as a gift.

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